Multiplexer for NXT/EV3 Motors (NXTMMX-v2) [MS-42010211]

Multiplexer for NXT/EV3 Motors (NXTMMX-v2) [MS-42010211]

販売価格: 8,000(税別)

(税込: 8,800)


With this multiplexer, you can connect two additional motors to your NXT.
It also has a pass-through Digital Sensor Port to connect more sensors/multiplexers. (On this sensor port, you can daisy-chain more multiplexers to connect additional motors.)
  • Compact, Easy to Integrate Design
  • Easy to Program
  • Use with NXT and/or Arduino
  • Supported in NXT-G, NXC, RobotC, LabVIEW
  • Uses external power supply/battery for motors
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